Our handsome Marty is a 14 month old West Highland Terrier and is a very active little guy in the world especially on the property where my horses live.

The Westie breed is renown for "skin" concerns especially with contact dermatitis and loads of exposure to different grasses, sadly Westie's seem to be allergic to an abundance of things in nature the poor little things.
We introduced Marty to Green Valley Naturals Hemp Seed oil as a 3 month old pup and strongly believe that incredibly soft luscious coat and minimal skin allergies is due to his daily dose of hemp seed oil (which he can't get enough of by the way!)
Marty is often receives comments on how "bright & glowy" his coat looks even after getting to all kinds or dirt and mischief at the horse property, however what we love the most is knowing his little joints are also being looked after all at the same time as he does a lot of kilometers each day.

Thank you to the Green Valley Natural's team for making us aware of this incredible natural supplement which we share with all Marty's friends at the park and the beach.
With Kind Regards
Katherine Dunstan