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News from the Farm 25th Edition

Megan McKenzie

Welcome to our twenty fifth edition of ‘News from the Farm’  from the team at Green Valley. We are proud to present you with monthly insights into everything Green Valley, as well as industry news and education. All with the goal to help support you in-store, and equip you with all the info you need to service your customers. 

You may notice a lot of hay baling going on in your community at the moment, with all the rain the eastern seaboard has been receiving, its been great grass growing conditions.. I know in our area of Gippsland VIC its STILL green and its mid Summer!!! 

This month, we hope you enjoy reading about how to bale hay, and how to sprout grains.  We’ve also thrown in some success stories of feeding horses Pure Vitality..  We love hearing from our customers nation wide!! Got a Green Valley success story??  Drop us a line on our socials or websites.



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