Having a small backyard flock of chickens is a growing trend in Australia and it is not just people living in the country who enjoy raising chickens. More and more people living in more urban areas are enjoying the benefits. So whats a great feed you can raise your chickens on? Green Valley Grains has a complete range of Poultry feeds - there's one to suit all age groups and dietary needs. Our range is animal product free, medication free, plant based, and as close to natural as we can make.

Chickens are easy, inexpensive pets with great benefits. Backyard and free ranged hens produce eggs that are very nutritious and great tasting. Chickens make fantastic pets for children and make a wonderful addition to the family. Free range chickens also help out in the garden, keeping bugs and weeds at bay whilst fertilizing the soil. So why not get all the benefits from these wonderful animals and add a small flock to your family!